Grants and Application Form

Grant Opportunities

The New Bedford Day Nursery Fund (NBDNF) is a non-profit organization who encourage, support and fund educational and social opportunities for young citizens in the Greater New Bedford Area. The NBDNF’s mission is to promote, encourage and maintain the highest levels of educational programs for children from all economic backgrounds regarding cultural enrichment projects which will have a positive effect on their mental and physical growth.

The Board of Managers of the New Bedford Day Nursery Fund, Inc. is proud of its achievements over the years and feels that these grants have impacted, in a positive way, organizations that have been recipients of its funding. Our members hope that its founders would be pleased with the assistance that is being rendered to the children of the Greater New Bedford area in their name, and, while the organization is different in form from the original Nursery, it remains true to the spirit and intent.

Examples of Projects

Projects can take many forms: Summer Youth Sailing, after school academic tutoring, field trips, STEAM activities

2024 Grant Recipients

  • Lloyd Center for the Environment, Inc.
  • Boys & Girls Club of Greater New Bedford
  • New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center
  • Fall River Deaconess Home
  • Dream Out Loud Center, Inc.
  • New Bedford Symphony Orchestra
  • Our Sisters’ School
  • Culture*Park Theatre
  • Buttonwood Park Zoological Society
  • Community Autism Resources
  • Zeiterion Performing Arts Center
  • Youth Opportunities Unlimited
  • New Bedford Art Museum/Artworks!
  • Community Boating Center of New Bedford

Use of Grant Funds

Grants may be used for purchasing materials, field trips, equipment and/or other costs associated with implementing the project. Grants may not be used for salaries or transportation fees.

Application Process

Our Grant process begins in March with an ad in the Standard-Times. The application must be completed and submitted on the last day of May no exceptions. The Grant proposals are presented to the Full Board at our June meeting. The Board of Managers will then review the proposals and vote at our October meeting. Your organization will be notified only if the grant application has been approved. The funding will be forwarded to your organization, in December, after the “GRANT AGREEMENT” form has been completed, signed, and returned.

Apply Online

The first step is to complete the online form below. If your grant application is approved (you’ll hear from us), you then need to download, fill in the information, print and sign the GRANT AGREEMENT. The link can be found on the right sidebar. You must submit an” End of Project Report” one month after the completion of your project.

Grant Application (Updated 03/13/2024)


  • Section 1 - Application Information

    All fields in this form are REQUIRED * ~ So please gather all of your information before commencing.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

  • Section 2 - Proposed Budget (Revenue)

  • The amount you are requesting from New Bedford Day Nursery Fund represents X % of your total program budget

  • Section 3 - Proposed Budget (Expenses)

    Please list expense amounts for the following:

  • Section 4 - Narrative

    Please briefly answer the following questions

  • Fill this field out if you feel you need to communicate some important information that hasn't been covered in this form thus far. 200 characters max.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.