
On November 11, 1886, twenty-four young women, daughters of some of the city’s most prominent families, announced the creation of the New Bedford Day Nursery, an agency which was to play a vital role in the city’s growing social conscience. These genteel ladies introduced to this area the concept of providing care for children of working mothers who labored at menial jobs for long hours in factories and mills, and set the wheels in motion by purchasing and furbishing a house, hiring a small staff, and setting up a Board of Managers to oversee the workings of the Nursery.

The New Bedford Day Nursery Fund has changed from its original form as a day care center for working mother’s to today’s non-profit charity that grants funds to organizations that benefit the children of the Greater New Bedford area.




To promote, encourage and maintain the highest levels of educational programs for children from all economic backgrounds from the Greater New Bedford area regarding cultural enrichment programs, which will have a positive effect on their mental and physical growth; and to allocate such monies as become available to maintain these commitments.

Board of Managers

  • Kathleen Carter
  • Holly Fitzgerald
  • Deborah Kelley
  • Gig Lang
  • Kathy Lang